Top 5 Sites to Get Paid to Listen to Music Online in 2020

Is it really possible to get paid to listen to music?

It might be sound strange but this is possible. You can earn money online while listening to music songs.

Imagine: If you bookmark some of the websites in your browser and you get an instant boost in your online earning.

or even better:

get paid to listen to music online

What are such websites to make money online?

lucky man, that's exactly what I'm going to share in this article.

Today you’re going to see such top 5 websites where you can get paid to listen to music.

So, without wasting time, Let's dive into it:

Table of Content

  1. What exactly you need to do?
  2. List of Top 5 Websites
  3. Is it Just a Music to Listen?
  4. Important points to keep in mind

What exactly you need to do?

This is very very simple. Here I shortlist Top 5 Sites to get paid to listen to music. Here's exactly you supposed to do:

  1. Go to the site you like.
  2. Create your free account there.
  3. Once your account gets approved you can start working.
  4. Listen to music songs and write your review about it.
  5. Once you have enough points/money, you can redeem it.
  6. And that's it!

Let's see what are those Top 5 Sites

Top 5 Sites to Get Paid to Listen to Music

Here's the list of Top 5 sites where you can get paid to listen to music

1. Musicxray:

This site really pays you for listening to music in the form of real money. Here you can take part in center groups and review songs and tunes by a new music artist.

Your review may be very helpful for those artists for further development.

get paid to listen to music

On Musicxray, After you Register an account, you need to upload up to 5 songs (In mp3 format) so, they can match your music taste.

You'll start to get notifications through email once the song is available for your review.

You need to listen to those melodies that appear in your inbox inside 24 hours or that opportunity terminates.

You get around 5 cents per song in the beginning and this will increase over time with your progress.

Musicxray pays you through Paypal. you can redeem your payment once you reach a threshold amount of $20.

In this process, you get some batches. As a new batch you got, the amount of money per song you get will increases.

Also, this increases the time you get to review that song before it gets terminated.

In the beginning, probably you'll not be going to get an email that much frequently but, as more number of songs you review, more you gonna get.

2. HitPredictor:

This site is tied in with affecting the music that gets released to the public before it occurs!

In simple words, you'll be rating new songs and give your review or any feedback to music specialists, artists, radio stations, record marks, and administrators.

get paid to listen to music

You can trade these points for prizes, including Amazon gift vouchers, or you can utilize them to participate in real money drawings and sweepstakes. 

Rating around 15 tracks will get you a $5 Amazon gift voucher. 

HitPredictor is available worldwide to ages 13 and more. 
Each time you listen to any song, you'll earn some points.

Also, there are bonus points available which you can get by eating a certain number of songs in a specific time limit.

You can rate new artists, as well, for additional points.

3. SliceThePie:

Slice the Pie is pass on the most ideal approach to get paid to listen to music. 

this site pays you for giving a rating and writing short reviews of songs.
get paid to listen to music

Here, you need to listen to the song for the initial 60 seconds before you start writing about it.

As your account gets older and as you review more songs, your account gets some rating here.

You get paid per song according to this rating. For each song you write a review about (and if it gets accepted), you can get between $0.02 to $0.2 depending on your rating.

You can get your payment through PayPal on Tuesday and Friday only. Also, you need to have at least $10 in your account in order to get money out.

4. Radioloyalty:

RadioLoyalty is an online radio that pays you to listen to their music.

Here you can listen to various radio stations or potentially music sorts through your computer or through their application that you need to download to your iPhone or Android phone. 

You might be wondering, why would RadioLoyalty pay you to only listen to their music?

Just like many other radio stations, this is also subsidized by commercials and ads. When you listen to the music that is played on RadioLoyalty, you additionally hear ads like clockwork.

To ensure that you are in reality an attentive person and actually listen to their music, they have you sign in through its CAPTCHA every 3-5 minutes. 

You get points for each 10-minute section of time. Once you gather enough points, and you can redeem them for different prizes or VISA gift vouchers.


This site (which is also accessible as an application for your iPhone or Android phone) pays you to give your feedback on new tracks.

So what's the difference between this and other. Here you need to write and submit your review and rating about new songs through emailed surveys.

As you have enough money, you can redeem your money through Amazon Gift Voucher.

Joining to site is right now by invitation only. notwithstanding, a contact form on the site can be rounded out and submitted in case you're interested to join

Is it Just a Music to Listen?

Not actually.

Most of the sounds you gonna listen are the music.

but along with it, you are also going to listen to some random things, some products advertisement, etc.

Important Points to keep in mind

How much can I really make by Listening to music online?

Ok listen, You won't become a millionaire by rating and writing reviews to the music online, so don't just stop your normal full-time jobs at this time.

Rather, treat these gigs as additional money that you can make as an afterthought.

To get the most value for your listening money, you should join to all 5 sites I mention above.

Actually, this gives you an additional benefit:

You can listen to one particular song on every site and write a similar kind review. Just make sure, you do not copy and paste your review on other sites. 

Also, if you registered yourself on all of these sites, you can get songs always to write about. Since not all sites have tracks to review all the time.


I hope you like this article about Top 5 Sites to Get Paid to Listen to Music online.

If you have some thought in your mind about it, feel free to write down in the comment section.


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